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DUGi: Llistar Títols | dc.subject:"Monuments naturals -- Congressos" | 0 - 9

Llistar Títols

S'han trobat 9 ítems

Llistant ítems des de 0 a 9:

media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 A Connecting Practice II case study: South African fieldwork and results. A Connecting Practice II activity: presentation of the work on Enhance our Heritage toolkit Ossola, Carlo
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 Connecting Practice Project: overview of phases I and II Leitão, Leticia
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 Cultural and spiritual significance of nature in protected areas, governance, management and policy Verschuuren, Bas
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 Evolution of culture-nature interlinkages in relation to the World Heritage Convention Leitão, Leticia
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 The Gavarres case in the context of the Catalan protected areas Armet Unzeta, Oriol
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 The Hortobágy National Park - the Puszta World Heritage Site: the site perspective within the Connecting Practice Project Tolnay, Zsuzsa
media icon DUGiMedia 15 desembre 2010 L’Esperit des lieux. Patrimoni natural i cultural Viel, Annette
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 Roundtable: Connecting natural and cultural heritage: challenges and opportunities Mallarach, Josep Maria ; Armet Unzeta, Oriol ; Ossola, Carlo ; Tolnay, Zsuzsa ; Bourdin, Gwenaëlle ; Leitão, Leticia
media icon DUGiMedia 4 octubre 2018 Welcome and Introduction to ’Connecting natural and cultural heritage International Seminar’ Calbó Angrill, Josep ; Vila Subirós, Josep ; Casadevall, Margarida ; Nadal i Farreras, Joaquim


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